Monday, September 14, 2009

Secret IMA Installation

I volunteered to work the 48hr Film festival back in August. I basically sat and held $4000 in $20's and arm wrestled Shauta for a bit, then it occurred to me: I'm in the IMA, Unsupervised, and I'm an artist. QUICK do something cool!

This is what I did.

I took these informational pink fliers for a movie about Andy Warhol and made little dwellings out of them. I've looked at enough Tara Donavan work (Thanks Shannon) that I knew a lot of these would look awesome.

And they did. They were subtle enough that people missed them, but the ones who stopped to view were filled with joy watching other people walk by them. Because of their location to the ground, the little dwellings would wobble and jiggle to the beat of people marching by. One particular person tried to destroy the piece by running past it as fast as they could to create a strong gust of wind, but it was useless. My structures made of nothing but paper withstood his attacks and kept dancing.

Best IMA installation to date? Who knows, but I'm totally writing this on my resume.

The State of Things.

Pretty Good.

Big Car Collage Show.

On August 20something we had a collage party at big car gallery. We brought in Beer, Food, and a ton of collage materials. You Supply the talent. In a period of 3 hours, i made 4 pieces. Mostly minimalist collages, but that's the mood I was in. Less is more.

And Finally, I stopped taking Ceramic classes cause I felt making pots was becoming boring and It really wasn't me. Then I made this without hesitation.

A Classic Pot, only made out of a ticket roll. And People loved it.

Monday, August 24, 2009

Haven't Done this in a While.

It's been a while since I last posted, so here's the low down.

1. I'm part of Big Car's Collective now, so my job is to make the greater Indianapolis area a better place with art. They even put my picture on the website.

Click collective, then scroll down. I think I'm 2nd from the bottom. Either way, I actually feel like a professional artist seeing my picture on a website.

2. Bench is on hold for a while... at least till I get my other project done. Riley hasn't broken ground on the children's park and it doesn't look like they will until the spring. Blessing in disguise? jury's out on that one.

3. One of my sculptures for the property is standing. I wasn't as intimidated by it until it went in the air. Right now it towers at a monsterous 22 feet and is balanced enough that it's not going to fall over any time soon.

4. I smashed my hand pretty good the other day. No bruising, but can't feel my pinkie. Took 2 salt tablets and walked it off.

5. School starts wednesday. I'm pretty excited about my victory lap. Some of the other kids think I'm a living legend there at Herron. I'd hate to break it to them, but if you tickle me, i will laugh.

6. School starting means grad school stuff is coming up soon, meaning in one year, I'm moving somewhere where people don't know me. I think I'll go by last name in the new place.

7. Somewhere in the SEC is prob. where I'll end up. I'd love to go home to Tennessee and be a Volunteer, but then i'm that guy trying to recapture his childhood by moving back his hometown. If I'm doing that I might as well get my mom's uterus certified and go to grad school there. it'll be tough getting a welder in there, but it'll do.


Sep. 12th. Rev. Peyton and his Big Damn Band play at Upland Brewery. Hopefully I can get this girl I have the cutsies for to come with me. Either way, I can't wait.

Ps. Anna. It's not her.

Friday, June 5, 2009

Story of growth form #9

In an attempt to make a gallery-savy sculpture, I made a growth form that could either be positioned up or down to accommodate itself to the environment it was in. Over the course of 2 months, it has gone through a couple of finishes. Tonight, June 5th, I think the sculpture has had it's final finish. Here's some of them here.